Live by choice, not by chance. Make changes, not excuses. Be motivated, not manipulated. Work to excel, not compete. Listen to your own inner voice, not the jumbled opinions of everyone else.
This is the way to inspire people! This is how you can grow into the best version of YOU!
Here are a few more ideas to get you started with inspiring everyone around you:
Be authentic and true to yourself. – In this crazy world that’s trying to make you like everyone else, find the courage to keep being your awesome self. Embrace that individual inside you that has ideas, strengths and beauty like no one else. Be the person you know yourself to be – the best version of you – on your terms. Above all, be true to YOU, and if you cannot put your heart in it, take yourself out of it. No it won’t always be easy; because when it comes to living as a compassionate, non-judgmental human being, the only challenge greater than learning to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes, is learning to walk a lifetime, comfortably in your own.
Stick with what you love. – Take part in something you believe in. This could be anything. Some people take an active role in their local city council, some find refuge in religious faith, some join social clubs supporting causes they believe in, and others find passion in their work. In each case the psychological outcome is the same. They engage themselves in something they strongly believe in. This engagement brings happiness and meaning into their lives. It’s hard not to be inspired by someone who’s passionate about what they’re doing.
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Friday, May 11, 2012
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The end of the line...1 year ago
Courtesy9 years ago
Hilarious One-Liner Replies9 years ago
Allergic To Technology?12 years ago
Hi Paula, I would like to upload my friend's comment to your article The Human History Movie but I found that I couldn't. Can you email me and then I attach her comment in my reply to you?
Dear Michael
Got your comment but I don't have your email address. Can you leave it in the comment box and then I will not publish it but will email you?
God bless
Hi Michael
You can leave the comment in this comment box and then it will not be published here but in the original post.
Hope this is ok with you.
Part 1.
A friend of mine watched this video on your blog and asked if I could contribute something
meaningful, so here I am, hopefully able to do just that. This will be long, so please bear with
It was some time ago since I last viewed this enjoyable video by Jordan Duchnyz; I had to quickly
zip through it again to refresh my memory in order to properly frame my comments so I won't go
out of context. Although the theme is about Human History, I would like to link it to what is
happening in our world and society right now, because they are implicitly related. Since I'm
aware that the information could be mind-bending, to say the least, all I ask for is an open
The Human History and our origins as a Human race taught in schools and promoted by
professionals over the centuries is largely false. We have been conditioned to accept these
teachings as the gospel truth when in fact, much of it has been distorted and changed in order
to create this false matrix in which we live, for control and manipulative purposes by the certain
“powers”. Although this subject alone can fill a whole library, I won't pursue it here.
Lemuria and Atlantis were the third and fourth root races of Human History. They were
civilisations of higher consciousness that came into being about 800,000 years ago, possessing
great knowledge and wisdom before their eventual demise and physical destruction of their
respective continents. Atlantis came to a cataclysmic end approximately 13,000 years ago. The
general area of Lemuria would be the Pacific region while Atlantis was generally around the
Atlantic area.
We have lost so much of the knowledge that those civilisations possess, although some did
trickle down to certain ancient cultures like the Sumerians, Egyptians and Mayans. For example,
5000 years ago, the Sumer civilisation knew that planets evolved around the sun (something that
Copernicus was penalised for expounding in the 1500s!); ancient Egyptians displayed great
understanding of astronomy without high-tech equipment; the Mayans were able to construct
their calendars of cosmic cycles with a high degree of accuracy.
Over the millenia, Humanity gradually fell into third dimensional consciousness, which is where
we are today. As a race, we sank into a lower density existence; the world is the manifestation
of a limited consciousness that has forgotten much wisdom and has lost connection with Spirit.
We may seem to have gained incredible advances in terms of technology, but in truth, we have
only created numerous means with which we further deviate away from full consciousness.
Dear Bobby,
Thanks for reaching out. I tried to call you a minute ago but there was no reply. Will get in touch with you again. Take care and God bless.
Part 2.
A little bit more about the Mayan calendar before I come back to the current times...the year of
2012. It is a well-known fact that this calendar terminates at 21 December 2012. This is the
common date of the culmination of certain cycles – Equatorial Precession of 25,625 years
(caused by Earth's “wobble” on her tilted axis), end of a 5125-year Great Cycle, the winter
Solstice 0f 2012, end of the Hindu Kali Yuga, and end of the Mayan calendar. This is also the time
when the Sun aligns perfectly with the Galactic Equator. What all this means is simple – we are
coming to the end of one very major cycle, and the beginning a brand new one. This new cycle is
also known as The Age of Aquarius, or the Golden Age. It is the birth of a New Earth, bringing
with it an era of higher consciousness and enlightenment. Drunvalo Melchizedek has stated that
the Mayans are planning a joyous celebration of this new epoch on 22 December 2012.
And now, about 2012. If we look around us today, we see an Earth under siege from the
irresponsible actions of her inhabitants, the imminent collapse of the global economy, nations
ravaged by war, governments that don't govern with integrity, civil unrest, millions starving, and
millions more in dire need of a decent standard of living. It is, as you say, senseless. At the same
time, however, we also see something simmering at the sidelines – a stirring from the deep
slumber of lower consciousness, an awakening of Souls who have begun to suspect that all is not
as it should be, a growing impetus to question the status quo. We also see that Earth herself has
initiated a process of her own – natural disasters in the form of earthquakes, floods, winds; freak
weather conditions that defy known patterns of existence.
There is a time period between the winding down of the old age and the birth of the new where
there is much shaking off of all that no longer serves Earth and Humanity as they move into the
Golden Age. We are in that time-frame now. Existing structures and models of society, finance,
politics, economics, health, religion and education will need to dissolve so that we can create a
new way of living – in harmony with the environment and with each other, and being fully
connected to the spiritual aspect of ourselves.
This period of upheaval that we are going through is not a surprise to the Mayans; it is known as
The Apocalypse. If we look at the true meaning of the word apocalypse, we will see that it
means “an unveiling” or “revelation”. This is a very apt description because we will soon see
much unveiling of what I call Greater Truths, one of which is our true history as a human race.
This can also refer to the lifting of the “veil” between our present third density of limited
consciousness and what lies beyond in the higher dimensions. This is the veil of amnesia that
cloaks us from birth and prevents us from remembering Who We Really Are.
Part 3 - last one!
The Human Race is expected to ascend to the fifth dimension or higher, with full consciousness
restored back to the levels that we were before our great descent into our current situation. It is
the blossoming of the energies of the Christ Consciousness that were seeded during the time of
Yeshua, or Jesus. It is the quantum evolution of Humanity, in tandem with Earth's own evolution
back to her intended pristine state, or Garden of Eden. We will be able to live our fullest
potential, free from illness, poverty, war, hunger or any limitations that are now prevalent in our
world. We will live as fully conscious beings, within the tenets of Universal Laws.
So what do we do as individuals? Well, another term that is commonly used to describe this
evolution is “Awakening”. And therein lies the answer – we would need to awaken from the
slumber of limited consciousness. There are so many ways in which this can be accomplished;
there is no one “correct” way. We can start with re-orientating our perspective of Life,
examining our current belief systems and conditioning, and living our daily lives responsibly and
with integrity. We can also start educating ourselves about this Awakening/Ascension, sometimes
also known as The Great Shift. This is where the Internet search engines come into play :)
One thing I would strongly suggest is the docu-movie, “Thrive: What On Earth Will It Take?”. This
well-made production is an eye-opener that touches on elements that are currently hidden from
us (or suppressed). It is an invaluable tool that can be the catalyst for our own paradigm shift of
how we view the world around us. The creators have generously made Thrive available for online
watching without charge.
Welcome to the dawn of a new age!
Dear Mike,
Email sent to you in appreciation to your friend's contribution.
God bless.
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